
K. Thirunarayan and T. Immaneni, "A Coherent Query Language for XML," Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), March 2008. Draft

T. Immaneni and K. Thirunarayan, "A Unified approach To Retrieving Web Documents and Semantic Web Data," in Proceedings of the 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), June 2007. (Acceptance rate = 46/270 = 17%) Draft

T. Immaneni and K. Thirunarayan, "Hybrid Retrieval from the Unified Web," in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Semantic Web and Applications Track (ACM SAC 2007), pp. 1346 - 1350, March 2007. (Acceptance rate = 36%) Draft

K. Thirunarayan, T. Immaneni and M. Shaik, "Selecting Labels for News Document Clusters," in Proc. of  the 12th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2007), June 2007. (Acceptance rate = 33/110 = 30%) Draft

K. Thirunarayan, T. Immaneni and M. Shaik, "Dependence of Binary Associations on Co-occurrence Granularity in News Documents," submitted to a conference.

K. Thirunarayan and T. Immaneni, "Flexible Querying of XML Documents," in Proc. of the 16th Intl. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS '06), LNAI, Vol. 4203, pp. 198-207,  September 2006. (Acceptance rate = 74/210 = 35%) LNAI Link Slides Draft

K. Thirunarayan and T. Immaneni, "An XML-based Approach to Handling Tables in Documents," Journal of Intelligent Systems (JIS), Vol. 17(1-3), January 2008.

K. Thirunarayan and T. Immaneni, "Formalizing and Querying Heterogeneous Documents with Tables," in Proc. of the 2nd Indian Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI '05), pp. 769-778, Dec 2005. (Acceptance rate = 250+/700+ = 36%) pdf Slides

D. Ravishankar, K. Thirunarayan and T. Immaneni, "A Modular Approach to Document Indexing and Semantic Search," in Proc. of the IASTED Intl. Conf. on Web Technologies, Applications and Services(WTAS '05), pp. 165 -170,  July 2005. pdf  slides

T. Immaneni and M. T. Cox, "GTrans: An Application for Managing Mixed-Initiative Collaborative Planning during Emergency Response Situations," in Proc. of the 2004 Intl. Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS '04), pp. 121 -126, January 2004. pdf  slides  poster  GTransDemo(download TSCC codec from GTransHomepage

C. Zhang, M. T. Cox and T. Immaneni, "GTrans Version 2.1: User Manual and Reference," Tech. Report WSU-CS-02-02, Dept. of CS&E, Wright State University, 2002. pdf

Acceptance rates of conferences given when known.